Make it Easy Kia Māmā Mai

Easy Read is a way of communicating information using straightforward language, clear sentence structure, and supporting pictures.

It assists people with learning (intellectual) disability to understand written information. Easy Read can also make information accessible for others who find standard written information hard, such as English language learners, those with low levels of literacy, and some deaf or older people.

Make it Easy Translation Service

At People First NZ we have a Make it Easy translation service that translates information for government agencies, health providers, disability organisations, researchers, and more.

We believe everyone has the right to information they can understand.

You can check out some of our work in the Easy Read Library on the People First NZ website.

You can find out more about our Easy Read translation service on the Make it Easy website.

Where can you find Easy Read?

Work colleagues, a man and a woman sit side by side at a table. The man is on the left and has a laptop in front of him. He has blue hair, glasses and a beard. The woman on the right has an Easy Read book in front of her and is looking at the computer. She has brown hair and a black top with white speckles.

National Office team at People First NZ talk about health policies using an Easy Read document as a guide.

If you are looking for Easy Read information from a government department, local council or a disability sector organisation, you can often find it under accessible information or “alternate formats” on their website.

An alternate format is information that is accessible for disabled people. The other alternate formats are Braille, audio, large print, and New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL).

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