Our response to Whaikaha changes

This is our response to the latest sudden changes by Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled People.

On Monday, Whaikaha – Ministry of Disabled People, announced changes to the Purchasing Guidelines and Equipment and Modification Services (EMS).

You can find more information about these changes on the Whaikaha website: https://bit.ly/3TjFdIl

Purchasing Guidelines say what disability support funding can be used to buy, through Individualised Funding, Enhanced Individualised Funding, Choice in Community Living, Personal Budgets or Carer Support.

We know that these changes and the way they were communicated has created a lot of anxiety and confusion for many disabled people, tangata whaikaha Māori, whānau / families and carers.

These changes are not in line with Enabling Good Lives (EGL) principles and having choice and control. There was a lack of meaningful consultation about these changes. People First NZ is seeking further clarification and our Make it Easy service is working closely with Whaikaha to create Easy Read information about the changes, so the guidelines are clear. We will share the links to the Easy Read information as soon as they are ready.

People First New Zealand will continue to speak up about choice and control with our members, in the community and to government.

Helpful Links:
Sign the petition for re-evaluation: https://chng.it/z4G97DWGpJ
Whaikaha RNZ Interview: https://bit.ly/3IKhE6Q
Whaikaha Q&A Section for these changes: https://bit.ly/3Pp2cAQ