Local state of emergency in Auckland

Here is some Easy Read information to assist people with learning disability about the local state of emergency in Auckland.

You may want to read this information with a whānau or family member, friend or support worker.

Easy Read information

Information about the local state of emergency in Auckland

People First NZ | 9 May 2023

Easy Read information about what to do for this local state of emergency including finding an evacuation centre and who to contact if you need support.

Looking after how you are feeling during and after an emergency

People First NZ | February 2023

Information about mental health wellbeing, who to talk with, and information about 1737: Need to Talk.

Managing your anxiety

Person-centred care, United Kingdom | May 2020

A guide to managing anxiety for adults with learning disability and autism. There are four activities that can be used to help people feel calmer and more relaxed.