Money and funding
Keep in touch with MyMSD
People can use MyMSD on the internet to easily and quickly access help and provide information to MSD

How to make a will
What a will is, how to make one

A guide for how you can use disability funding
This Easy Read guide tells you how you can use disability funding from Whaikaha.

Information about scams and where to get help
This Learn with Us Easy Read document talks about things to do with scams

Election Access Fund: What it is and how to have your say
This is about support for disabled people to stand as candidates in parliamentary general elections and by-elections

ASB: Using the ASB Mobile Banking app
This is about the ASB mobile app that you can use to do banking on your phone, iPad or tablet.

How to apply for the Job Support Fund and Training Support Fund
This is about how to apply for money from MSD to support you to: - get into work - stay in work.

ASB: Using FastNet Classic internet banking
This is about ASB FastNet Classic internet banking which is when you do banking with ASB using the internet.

Getting support to pay for the dentist
Sometimes people can get help from the Ministry of Social Development to help pay the dentist.

More documents will be added over time. If you have anything you're interested in, please contact us.
You can find out more about Easy Read on the Make it Easy website.