Disability support services
What does an Enabling Good Lives Kaitūhono / Connector do?
About Enabling Good Lives (EGL) Connectors. Who they are and how they can support disabled people in New Zealand.

People First - Supported Decision making - How I make my decisions form
This is a form for you to fill out to say: -who you want to support you -what sort of support you need.

Enabling Good Lives: Vision and Principles
Enabling Good Lives is about having choice and control in your life, and the support you want and need.

Purchasing Guidance: How to spend your disability support funding
These guidelines say what people can buy with disability support funding from 24 April 2024.

How to make a complaint and give feedback about your disability support services
This is about telling someone about your disability support services like: - making a complaint - saying what you think.

More documents will be added over time. If you have anything you're interested in, please contact us.
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