Wairarapa Disability Expo
Learn about support services and funding available to disabled people and carers/whanau in the Wairarapa.
There will be stalls from over 20 organisations with information about support services, funding opportunities for disabled people and carers/whanau in the Wairarapa.
There will also be guest speakers holding different workshops.
Come to the Wairarapa Disability Expo!

The outside of Carterton Events Centre.
28th of September
10.00am to 3.00pm.
Carterton Events Centre
50 Holloway Street
Carterton 5713
Guest Speakers
Rachael Wiltshire, Auckland Disability Law Centre
Erika Butters, Personal Advocacy and Safeguarding Adults Trust (PASAT)
Hosted By:
People First NZ Ngā Tāngata Tuatahi
Goodlives Wairarapa
Wairarapa Community Networks